What happens when we see salvation as the opposite of being lost?
Dear Friend, What happens when we see salvation as the opposite of being lost? What happens when we seek salvation as the
Dear Friend, What happens when we see salvation as the opposite of being lost? What happens when we seek salvation as the
Dear Friends, Can you tell of a mighty work of God? Congratulations! You have received the Spirit of Pentecost. On the first
Dear Friend, Happy Ascension Day! Jesus’ ascension into heaven translates into his saving presence for everyone who looks to him for help.
Dear Friend, Have you ever lain awake, wresting with anger, anxiety, or similar demons? During such sleepless nights, can you perhaps discern
Dear Friend, After two weeks in the Middle East, I returned to Toronto on Monday, and within hours a murderous van attack
Dear Friend, During Lent, we think a lot about death—our own and Jesus’. Thank God, Jesus’ death makes all the difference. Jesus’
Dear Friend, Right now, Jesus’ face is “like the sun shining in full strength.” (Revelation 1:16) Someday, Jesus says, you too “will
Dear Friend, In a Bible study yesterday we pondered a question Paul asked when making his defense before religious and political leaders.
Dear Friend, Have you had a covenantal conversation with God lately? Your neighbour may need that from you. A few years ago,
Dear Friend, Today the Gospel points me to Jesus as greater than David (Mark 12:37), to Christians as more than conquerors (Romans